Saturday, May 23, 2009

Time to take back Trek

after stewing about how awful the new star trek movie was, and looking at comments people were making about how GOOD it was on different sites, including youtube... I also noticed I wasn't the only one who thought this movie was horrible. I do seem to be one of the few though, who can't stand what this movie does to trek, not just in terms of canon... like I said I can handle that someone wants to reset trek from the beginning... it's that they've turned it into mindless action.

I don't mind wanting it turned into an action platform. The first movie could've used a bit of action.

But Star Trek has NEVER been mindless. There were so many moments in this movie which could've been turned into pure trek moments and preserve at least integrity. Not one of them panned out. Instead; nods to trek were included, most of which only real trekkies would catch, which really comes out as an insult.

So, anyway. I'm going to see what me and my best friend can do to try and take star trek back. The old fasioned way. Trek was taken off the air after only 3 seasons; trekkies were appalled. Letter writing campaigns and self-orginized conventions lead to an actual response. Trek was shown in reruns, the first space shuttle to be tested was named Enterprise, and finally, we got a movie.

Albeit a slow moving one with a very silly plot. Even it's plot was far more intelligent than the new movies is.

It took time. But, those were the days before we had such instant communication. So hopefully, before the next movie gets into pre-production, we real fans of trek, who don't want Trek to become a mindless platform that makes money from the masses who are content not to ever watch something that makes them think, we can take it back, halt production, and get some real Star Trek writing back into our beloved franchise.

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