Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Orci and Kurtzman reveal they don't know jack about Trek

take a look at this nonsense from the 'scribes' who know only the way in which one strings together words, not how to actually WRITE anything that's coherent, about the various 'nitpicks' trekkies have made.

Note that I'm disappointed in my fellow trekkies for first of all; acknowledging these fools as star trek writers. Secondly, if you're going to acknowledge that they're 'writers', call them out for their real writing mistakes; IE how the plot makes no sense, how the characterizations make no sense etc. These guys aren't sci-fi writers, they're not trek writers. They shouldn't be writing sci-fi at all in my opinion.

There are two basic types of sci-fi, hard, and soft, sometimes they mingle, and particularly talented writers can handle it.

Hard sci-fi stories tend to have weak characters, and a weak story, backed with scientific speculation about technology, how it affects society etc, which is all backed by hard science itself. Thus the name.

Soft sci-fi tends to focus on the characters, the story, and scientific speculation can vary from wild to mild, with explanations as to how anything works varying just as much... from the detailed to the dismissive. The speculation could have a scientific basis, or it could be way out there. Either way, sci-fi in such stories tend to be the setting which, while often important in true science fiction, never eclipses the story or characters.

Star Trek has always been more 'soft', but it's technical fans have been adamant that even it's soft way out there tech be treated, within star trek, as if it were hard. Non-technical fans could care less, so long as the characters act the way they should, that the story is compelling, and overall thoughtful.

The result is that it's VERY hard to stray too far from the technical when dealing with the core audience. A trek story has to be good, be true to characters, true to the universe, and hardest of all; true as it can be to the technical details of how anything functions. Trek has never succeeded in pleasing all it's fans with this duality. Sometimes it's displeased both. But with 40 years that include five TV series and 10 movies, nevermind thousands of books... you can't please everyone all the time. BUT, even not counting books, we've been exposed to thousands of hours of the Star Trek universe. Before now, our biggest complaints have been a few episodes, and the fifth movie. Universally, we nearly all agreed that Star Trek V; the final frontier, was a joke.

Now we've got the new movie. It violates all the softness of star trek, and ignores the... er... 'hard', in favor of, as I've stated before, mindless action sequences.

There are a few things here that rile me up. I'm not even a big fan of technical trek, but I have to say the dismissive nature of Orci and Kurtzman is insulting. I'm not surprised, the story itself indicates they know nothing of trek... but to do so little research and call yourself a writer is just ... it's retarded is what it is.

Anytime someone brings something technical up, these two respond in a glib, haughty and pious tone. As if they knew the issue before hand when clearly they didn't. Even if they did, they have the nerve to act as if they're the ones in the right for flushing down 40 years of canon without any apparent rhyme or reason.

When someone brings up an actual plot point that was retarded; they indicate clearly they hadn't given it much thought, and respond with more glib and dismissive answers. They're insulted that trekkies who were paying attention not only hated what they did with the technology, even the story isn't up to our standards.

If you're not prepared to deal with trekkies, maybe you shouldn't attempt to write star trek.

Most galling; someone brings up Nero just waiting around for 25 years (the biggest problem in the movie in my opinion), and instead of saying something that would make sense... they just say that 'canon doesn't say what they were doing, it's a rich field for fan fiction'

No, a-hole, it's a rich field for you to have written something that made sense, it's a huge problem that you could've turned into a decent plot HAD YOU USED YOUR MIND.

Over and over these two fools show they clearly don't know star trek from any angle.

They and J.J. Abrams should never be allowed to touch Star Trek again.

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