
And then there's this asshole. Who said trek was dying? I mean yeah, now and again I ran into people who said that, despite there still being a star trek on TV
but since there was still a Star Trek on TV, still reruns running somewhere in the world, and 10 movies, four of which were awesome, and a lot of new books published; those who said such things were clearly imbeciles.
I mean, no one said Star Wars was dead when the Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, 8 billion plastic toys, and cartoons were being released. They may have said star wars sucked now, and was retarded, but they didn't say it was dead.
And I now truly feel the pain of the fanboys. Truly. I comprehend your horror that people loved new pieces of shit films with the star wars name on it, and that said films just tore the shit out of what was, at one point, actually enjoyable.
I didn't empathize before. I was ok with just loving the trilogy, the real trilogy. The unremastered rereleased reremastered super-deluxe trilogy. I wasn't a true fan. I hated what the new movies did, but I was content with ignoring them and their fans... occasionally making fun of them for being unable to comprehend the new movies sucked.
I was clearly a monster. The new star trek movie was my Karmic reward; for now it was my beloved franchise that was being destroyed by a new movie, that legions of mindless fans love, and are unable to comprehend that the new movie sucks.
I call a truce fanboys. And I apologize. I am so very sorry, this is truly a fate worse than death. Of course, I'm not sure which is worse. Your franchise has been raped by it's own creator. Our franchise has been raped by untalented overly hyped hacks who've apparently never actually heard of Star Trek before, and seem to think they're making a Star Wars movie.
What's worse is, fanboys... fanboys actually realized the new movies sucked. Some insisted they didn't, but it was about equal. It was amazing compared to trekkie reactions.
And appalling.
Far less than half of the fanbase realizes what a fucking horror-show the new movie was. They enjoyed it. Such is the depths of our nerdiness.. You'll never quite comprehend fanboys, because though you've always been just as nerdy as we, the media itself never ridiculed you as they have us. Nor for nearly half as long. Star Wars was acceptably nerdy. Trek never was. Trek was what all scary lonely losers had in common. Trek was the refuge of the truly socially inept. Trekkies were acceptable targets.
Now is the chance for far too many trekkies to have something they never dared dream of one day contemplating imagining wondering about accidentally thinking they'd ever have a hope of a prayer of having; acceptance.
Until the new movie. And worse; now it's not even nerdy! It's cool!
Star Trek XI is like Barack Obama.

It gives trekkies hope it'll never deliver.
This is madness.


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