Friday, June 26, 2009


While I've noticed quite a few people speaking up against the movie, and most do indeed bring up all the salient points defending why they hated the movie, and why it was indeed, a crapfest spectacular...

There's no focus. I myself am guilty of this. I can rant about how bad this movie is from every direction, for unlike Khan, my thinking isn't merely two dimensional.

The thing is, we need to focus on what really makes this movie so awful.

Story, or rather, lack thereof.

When we rant on about lens flares, slapstick humor, pointless jar-jar sidekicks, Kirk being a sociopath, the nonsensical redesigns of sets, ships, unifroms, props, the characters being merely caricatures, or how the only real message and values this movie has is "Pew Pew Pew! BOOM!", we look a bit... well... like obsessive nerdy trekkies.

Which we are, and I'm proud to see I'm not alone here. But, the fact remains that pointing out these flaws makes us look a bit silly. We are a bit silly. Never the less, we also love trek, and have until now, many great reasons to. Paramount has now decided that we stalwart and faithful fans, many who have dedicated ourselves to Trek for thirty to forty years, aren't paying THEM enough. We aren't who they want trek to appeal to.

I can't blame them. Steven Hawking and Bill Gates are trek fans, how many geniuses or fantastically successful nerds are fans of, say... Independence Day (I can't help bringing up that stupidly mindless movie), or the new version of Star Wars? We're proud of having critically minded highly intelligent nerds in our midst's. We're elitists, we demand a certain bare minimum and we always have. It's probably why Trek appealed to so many of us in the first place.

How do you appeal to such people? Hire good writers? Good directors? Technical advisers? But... why bother when you can just skip all that, hire whoever the flavor of the month is, get some hack writers, and release whatever crap they put together in the summer, along with loads of advertisements, and make millions while laughing all the way to the bank?

The problem is Paramount, but, we need someone between them and us, to firmly say NO, that's not star trek, slap another name on it, this one isn't for sale.

Until then, we need to make our voices heard, and we need to FOCUS on what it is about the movie itself that was so dreadfully horrible.

Again, it's the lack of story. The entire movie rests on the fact that Nero, after going into the past, for no rhyme or reason, WAITS 25 years for Senile-Spock to show up. Then, after he does, WAITS another three years before doing anything. Couple that with the preposterous Hoth scene, and you see; this story lacks any actual thought.

When questioned directly, Orci and Kurtzman, the writers, said nothing about this massive oversite. 'What did Nero and his crew actually do during the better part of 30 years?'

The answer? They don't know. "It's a rich field for fan fiction." A-holes. Base your movie on something you gave no thought, that's brilliant.

I could go on about how even waiting to begin with makes no sense. They could've at least thrown out a line of dialogue to help try and explain why they waited, even if they clearly didn't give any thought to the how they kept that ship up and running, and how a crew full of angry and distraught Romulans didn't mutiny just to go back home and try to start anew...

See, it's easy to rant about how DUMB it is, and it starts bringing up a whole host of other issues. This is exactly why we need to focus on that one little fact.

25 years of waiting followed by another 3? This should be our chief concern. What else could make these self styled 'writers' squirm more than pointing out that they based their entire film on something they gave no second thoughts to.

We know why. It was convenient; it shows Kirk as a sociopathic barhopping perv, it allows him to enter starfleet on a dare, so that he can conveniently meet the entire crew, so that he can get stranded on the same planet as Scotty and Senile Spock, so they can get back to the Enterprise for the willy wonka tube ride and tick off young Spock to take command, so he can rescue the captain so that they can both skip six ranks and we can pretend any of that makes any sense.

It starts off stupid and gets downright retarded by the end. Each dumb idea builds upon the last and just snowballs until we get this giant avalanche of idiocy.

It all starts with Nero waiting 25 years, then another 3. We must reiterate this over and over, and demand that these two hacks never write a Star Trek script again. Yes, JJ Abrams has his coming too, but first things first.


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