Saturday, August 1, 2009


Has my extreme displeasure over the atrocious new Star Trek movie made me into an unpleasable fan?

The movie is simply bad beyond all reason. Had it been any other franchise; I'd have simply ignored it and never seen it. But it wasn't, it was Trek and so I purposely subjected myself to it, thinking it couldn't possibly be worse than Star Trek V.

I was wrong of course.

But isn't that subjective? It's taste right?

Yes, and absolutely not.

Yes, in that some people may enjoy mindless action, wanton violence, and sloving problems by blowing your problem up.

Absolutely not, in that Star Trek has never been about mindless action, wanton violence and solving your problems by blowing it up.

True; in Star Trek II, VI, VII, IX, and X, the bad guy was literally blown up at the end.

Only two of those movies were well received. Even by Trekkies. Hell, even Trekkers.

So how did these movies end?

Star Trek II: the Wrath of Khan
Khan blew himself up with his own doomsday device; on purpose. He was that magnificent of a bastard.

Star Trek VI: the Undiscovered Country
Chang was shooting whilst cloaked (unfair advantage!) and using the comm channels to inundate everyone with Shakespeare. You'd have done everything you could to blow him up too.

They had to come up with a rather special torpedo to kill him; and the single torpedo only dropped it's cloak and marked the ship to let Excelsior and Enterprise both continue to open fire on it's location.

So what about the others? They weren't as well liked, even by trekkies. Lets look at how the bad guys were blown up, even though this isn't why we didn't like the movies, it does indicate a lack of creativity that we didn't respond well to.

Star Trek Generations
Soran; blown up when he tried to launch his doomsday missile that Picard had sabotaged.

Star Trek Insurrection
Ru'afo; blown up when he tried to launch his doomsday device that Picard had sabotaged.

Star Trek Nemesis
Shinzon; blown up when he tried to shoot the Enterprise with his doomsday device that Picard had tried to sabotage, but that Data succeeded in.

Anyone else detect a pattern?

It seems to me that the TNG movies became virtually obsessed with replicating Khan's badassery, and in such attempts succeeded only in being derivative and having most of it's movies be rather uninteresting.

Star Trek (no name) has repeated this with it's weak villain being blown up by the doomsday device. Whilst making the mistake of trying to replicate the original crew AND retelling their story and changing everything while pretending that it's somehow all the same too.

What's worse is that according to the intertube; Kutzman and Orci are already writing the next script, and the buzz is they want to somehow involve Khan himself.

Do they think by using Khan himself they can somehow NOT be derivative?

Or have I just become an unreasonable fan and a perfect representative of fandumb?