That's just retarded. The ground breaking ceremony took place on August 5, 1966. Six years later the towers were complete, and the first tenants moved in by January 1972.
Sure, red tape prevented even a design for a while there and I don't even like the new design, nor do most people I know. The best way to remember this day, and to continue on, is to bust out the old blueprints and build these two beautiful towers once more. But, even if the new and horribly ugly freedom tower is to take their place; no one has even bothered pouring foundation.
There's not even a proper memorial there in my opinion.
If you're not sure what it is you should be remembering this day, let me remind you, because I was there.

The beautiful Lady Liberty could do nothing to help.
But, that isn't really human enough is it? They could just be smokestacks right? I mean, why would a non NYer know that something is horribly amiss with this picture?
Let me try to bring the horror home a bit.

Perhaps running from a huge cloud simply isn't all that scary to you.

How about we cover you with highly toxic dust instead? No?
Then you're just an unsympathetic monster, indeed I doubt your very humanity.
Let's just look at the faces of those who died instead.

Some victims are missing from this photo unfortunately. Each one of these people was killed, and this is the main thing we should remember. For the buildings were just material, they were just things. They can be replaced, even if no one has bothered to really try yet.
And, if you're a conspiracy theorist; shut your mouth you idiot. Irrespective of what you believe about the nature of these attacks; these people are no more. And regardless of what you say, your motivations have nothing to do with the victims, you're just a CT nut.
I cannot forget. And every September 11th, no matter how much I tell myself I won't, I end up having a good cry.
Not just because of the people who've died, and those who've died after and taken ill as a result of the cloud whilst working to rescue people and clear debris. But because after seven years, we've done nothing truly meaningful about it.
This is either not my generations Pearl Harbor, or, my generation is laughably lame; The greatest generation helped put an end to World War Two a mere 4 years after Pearl was attacked. And, that was with fighting on two fronts.
What have we done since September 11th 2001?